
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Who knows.

I'm trying to see how well I can thumb type a post. It only seems like it would work in dire circumstances, if you ask me.  I hope to do more posting on life and teaching.  Educaton is amazing, powerful, and conflicted.  The classroom as I see it is so different and the students are trully different than most people where.  They do not have blind respect for authority, I only wish they would turn this into productive and positive change.  Most notably, they are in continual communication with someone, at no point, do they encounter the self reflective portion of their day when they are all alone and can only speak with themselves.  This leads to a social mind that can be vey powerful but a bit dumb. 
That's a student I got hooked up with the museum showing off his first scroll, don't laugh at the messy work, you would do worse...

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Welcome to the new.

Just ate an overpriced taco. What has the world come to? About to get back in the schoolhouse.